Dress Code Policy


Students shall dress and groom in a clean, neat, and modest manner that will not distract or interfere with the operation of the school. When a student is attired in a manner, which is likely to cause disruption or interference with the operation of the school, the principal shall administer appropriate punishment, which may include suspension. The school principal will be the final judge on issues of dress based on school board policies.

The following dress policies will be enforced at DCHS:

1. Hair - No extreme, unusual, or unnatural hair coloring or tints. Hairstyles are to be moderate with no startling and/or extreme styles.

2. Hats, caps, knit caps, skullcaps, hoods, bandanas, sweat bands, scarves, picks, and combs are not to be worn during regular school hours. Accommodations will be made for documented religious or medical reasons. No tinted glasses/sunglasses unless doctor prescribed. No extreme or distracting contact lenses. Appropriate athletic wear may only be worn during athletics or similar activities (i.e.: PE, marching band practice, drama practice, etc.)

3. Jewelry - No extreme earrings such as golf tees, nails, safety pins, etc. No grills (teeth jewelry). Body piercing other than ears must be studs only. Students are not to wear excessive jewelry, chains (including wallet chains), dog collars, gothic or gang-related paraphernalia, spiked jewelry (necklace, bracelets, etc…) that would be distracting/disruptive or unsafe.

4. Make-up - All make-up must be of natural color and moderately applied. (Black, white or other make-up that suggests death, gang, cult, etc. is not allowed.)

5. Shirts, tops and blouses - All shirts must be size appropriate (with or without collar) and must meet the pants, skirts, shorts, etc. when seated (front and back). Sleeveless shirts and tops must be fitted around the arm/shoulder. No revealing necklines or cutout backs will be allowed. Tank tops should be 3" wide across the shoulders. No arm warmers (i.e. fish net) or gloves. No references to drugs, death, alcohol, violence, sexual themes, profanity, tobacco, gothic, gangs, racist overtures, ethnic groups, or suggestive/offensive sayings will be allowed. Students while in attendance at DCHS shall wear appropriate undergarments. Cheerleaders may wear uniforms on pep rally days with pants. During the pep rally and during games uniforms without pants are allowed.

6. Pants and slacks must be size appropriate with inseam length hemmed or with cuff at top of the shoe. (nosagging, no bagging, no extra wide-legged, no holes 5" above the knee, and no parts that drag the floor will be allowed.) Wind suits are allowed as long as they are not open down the side.

7. Shorts must be no shorter than 5 inches from the middle of the knee.

8. Dresses and skirts must be no shorter than 3 inches from the middle of the knee, or have appropriate length shorts worn under them.

9. No trench coats or western dusters.

10. Cleats are not to be worn in the building.

11. Pajamas are not to be worn at school.

12. Students who wear leggings must have a shirt or dress that reaches mid-thigh.  Leggings are not to be worn as pants alone.

Special dress days may be designated by the principal to include, but not limited to, the following example: Homecoming Week, etc.

Students who do not comply with the school dress policy will be subject to the following level of consequences:

1. Warning and the student changes his/her clothes and parent will be contacted.

2. Student must change clothes; they receive 2 hours of after-school detention, and parent will be contacted.

3. Repeat offenders will be considered insubordinate and will be disciplined accordingly with 6 hours of after-school detention.

4. 10 hours of after-school detention.

5. 3 days suspension.